
Showing posts from February, 2024


Imagine a man who has left an indible mark on Nigeria politics, a true trailblazer and kingmaker. A man with unwavering determination whose name echoes through the corridors of Nigeria politics. BOLA AHMED TINUBU, a name that resonates with power and influence. From a humble beginning to his rise as a prominent politician, Tinubu's journey is nothing short of remarkable. Let's dive into the life and career of this extraordinary figure, shall we ?      Bola Ahmed Tinubu also known as Asiwaju BOLA Tinubu, was born on March 19, 1952, in Lagos, Nigeria. He is one of the famous Nigerian politician who had began his way into political career in the 1990s. He is the former governor of Lagos state and one of the most influential politician in Nigeria referred to as "JAGABAN OF BORGU".       Tinubu attended St John primary school, Aroloya, Lagos before proceeding to Children Home School in Ibadan. He completed undergraduate studies in the United States, first at Richard J. Dal


Step into the romantic time machine, close your eyes and imagine yourself being transported back to the ancient streets of Rome, where love and legend intertwine. Get ready to explore the enchanting and captivating origins of Valentine's Day from the mysterious ritual and festivals of lupercalia to the enduring and heartfelt tales of Saint Valentine. Get your mind ready for some awwwn and oh no! feelings by this enchanting journey into the heart of history!. While the origins of Valentine's Day can be traced back to ancient Roman festival, the festival of lupercalia celebrated on February 15 was a pagan fertility festival dedidcated to the Roman gods Lupercus also know as Faunus and the goddess Juno. Lupercus was associated with shepherds and fertility, while Juno was the goddess of marriage and childbirth. During this festival, young women from a box would be paired with the young men for the duration of the festivals, these pairing leads to marriage in

"Hunted by Shadows: The Deep Psychological scars of Kidnapping"

     Picture yourself being trapped in a dimly lit room surrounded by strangers, a place cold, colder than Russia, with no mummy to hug or a man to cuddle. The sound of your own rapid breathing echoing in your ears, drowing out any hope of escape. Days turned into weeks and the constant fear and uncertainty taking a toll on your psyche, which makes you question your own sanity, trapped in a cycle of anxiety and despair.          This is the situation of Nigeria now, buddy, kidnapping here and there, we are in the position where we have to start sleeping with Cutlass and knives because of the fear in us. 70 percent of Nigeria citizens are living in fear, nobody feels safe anymore, everybody is now being so careful and are tightening their ropes hard before their life gets kidnapped.   We now wake up to see headlines like "police rescue nine kidnap victims in Ogun, one held captive", "police confirm another case of abducted children in Abia", "Ten laf