Every parent who lived in the 1960s knows what it really meant to be a parent in the face of hunger, disease, out cry and hopelessness.

 Pictures of civil war on Nigeria as you'll come to see in this comprehensive post will get you thinking "what if I witnessed this brutal war? Would I have survived? 

You know what ? Let's get started and you'll learn more about an important timeline in Nigeria's history and the consequences thereafter.

Nigeria was a hotbed of political tension, ethnic division and economic struggles. It was like a giant pot of bubbling emotions ready to boil over. Then, in 1967 Biafra a region in Nigeria said, "Peace out✌️, we're declaring independence"! 

But, oh boy, did that decision ignite a powder keg of conflict. The Nigerian government wasn't too thrilled about losing a chunk of their territory, so they fought tooth and nail to bring Biafra back into the fold. It became a full blown war, with both sides fiercely battling it out for control.

Behind the scenes, there were power struggles, disagreement over resource distribution and deep rooted ethnic tensions that fueled the fire. It was like a messy soap opera, but with way higher stakes. The war lasted for 2 years causing immense suffering and loss on both sides. Trust me when I say the ripple effect of the Nigerian civil war was like a stone thrown into a calm pond causing ripples that spread out and touched every single part of our society. It was like a domino effect, impacting everything in its path. Let's break it down;

SOCIAL SHAKE-UP : The war totally shook things up, my friend. People had to leave their homes, say goodbye to their communities and start fresh. New social networks were formed, relationships were reshaped and it was a whole new ballgame.

ECONOMIC ROLLERCOASTER: Hold on tight, because the war had a wild ride on the economy. Buildings got destroyed, industries got messed up, and resources became as rare as a unicorn. It took a while to get back on track and recover from the aftermath. 

POLITICAL PLOT TWIST: Get this, the war brought some major changes to the political scene. Nigeria got divided into regions each with it's own government. Talk about a plot twist! This shook up the power dynamics and had a lasting impact on our political landscape. 

CULTURAL REVOLUTION: Brace yourself, my friend, because the war made us question everything. It forced us to face our differences and find ways to come together. It sparked conversation about identity, unity and the beauty of embracing our diversity. It was like a cultural revolution, shaking up the norms and shaping our society even today.

WOMEN POWER: Hold up, because the war gave women a chance to shine. They stepped up and took on new roles and responsibilities. They became breadwinners, caretakers and even warrior in the conflict. This challenged the old school gender roles and set the stage for a more inclusive society.

The ripple effect of the Nigeria civil war was like a whirlwind that touched every aspect of our society. It was a time of change, growth and resilience. It was a pretty intense time, with both sides fighting for their own beliefs and aspirations.

But guess what? Eventually, things took a turn. The war came to an end when the Biafra forces realized that surrender was the best option. On January 15th, 1970, General Philip Effiong, the leader of Biafra, signed a document saying "Okay we surrender, let's put an end to this".

A hate bomb that exploded, leaving it's pieces lodged in the hearts of some people, it ashes with dying coal and not dead coals in different corners of the country, it's effect ever so felt by the citizens of Nigeria. 

The tale of civil war in Nigeria have not expired in the mouth of our elders that tell it, neither has this tale become irritating to our ears.                                                                    Let us not forget the way our hearts move each time we hear the word Nigeria civil war; Biafra, Ojukwu hunger, bloodshed and many other elements comes to mind.


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